Wearable cardioverter-defibrillator (WCD) therapy in primary and secondary prevention of sudden cardiac arrest in patients at risk
Wearable cardioverter-defibrillator (WCD) therapy in primary and secondary prevention of sudden cardiac arrest in patients at risk
Country | Agency | Status | Link | Details on adaptation process |
Austria | GOEG | 2017 | The report was disseminated in a newsletter to decision-makers and relevant stakeholders | |
Austria | LBI-HTA | Published 2017 | National adaptation. Made no changes to the EUnetHTA report, added a German summary | |
Croatia | AAZ | 2017 | A summary of the report was prepared in the national language, as well as assessment elements B0001 and A0020, with links to the full report on English language. Upon Croatian decision makers request on this topic, the report will be updated if needed and local information will be added (i.e., epidemiological information such as patient numbers; the technologies available in Croatia, information about costs…), including recommendations.
This specific document was used also to demonstrate the importance of joint international HTA process and the challenges that need to be overcome at a national level to introduce a sustainable and mandatory HTA process within reimbursement/investment or disinvestment decision processes, at Ministry of Health meeting related to HTA, in 2017 (policy issue). | |
Italy | AGENAS | National Adaptation. Added local information. | ||
Italy | ASSR-RER | Work completed in 2017 | A summary of this assessment will be published on agency’s website for dissemination with link to the full publication | |
Lithuania | VASPVT | Work completed in 2017 | National adaptation, Translated the summary of the report and added local information | |
Spain | AQUAS | Ongoing | The OTCA01 assessment will be disseminated to Catalan regional decision makers (physicians societies, director of corresponding health Program, and Health Services Planners). | |
Spain | Avalia-t | Work completed in April 2018 | National adaptation translated and updated assessment with new data and added local information. The assessment was included as part of the annual work plan 2017 of the Spanish Network of Agencies for HTA and Services of the NHS (RedETS), The full assessment will be published on the agency´s website and the website of RedETS | |
Spain | OSTEBA | 2017 | The EUnetHTA assessment was disseminated outside the organisation to decision makers (Heads of Cardiology Services and Hospital Managers) | |
Switzerland | FOPH | Ongoing final appraisal scheduled for 2019 | National adaptation. Added local information. WCDs are covered under CED since 07/01/2014, and re-assessment and final appraisal was originally planned for summer 2018, but postponed to summer 2019. The EUnetHTA assessment was used when deciding to postpone the final decision to 2019. | |
UK | NICE | 2017 | EUnetHTA reports are indexed in NHS Evidence which provides access to selected sources of evidence in health, social case and public health. |