Screening of fetal trisomies 21, 18 and 13 by non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)
Screening of fetal trisomies 21, 18 and 13 by non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)
Country | Agency | Year work was carried out | Link | Details of us |
Austria | LBI-HTA | 2018 | LINK | No changes made to EUnetHTA report, but German Executive summary added and event was organised on NIPT (discussing NIPT in Austria). |
Croatia | AAZ | Ongoing | Dissemination – AAZ in process of preparing summary and assessment elements B0001 and A0020 in Croatian (will be published on the AAZ website). | |
Italy | ASSR-RER | 2018-2019 | Regional adaptation. Added information.
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Spain | AETSA | Ongoing | At a regional level, the report is going to be distributed to decision-makers.
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Spain | AQUAS | Ongoing | The OTCA03 assessment will be disseminated to Catalan regional decision makers (physicians societies and Health Services Planners) | |
Spain | Avalia-t | 2018-2019 | The adaptation of the NIPT assessment and the development of the national screening policy for prenatal screening was included in the 2018 work plan of the Spanish Network of HTA agencies. The NIPT assessment is being summarised and translated, and the hypothetical models are being used to estimate the real cost impact of the different NIPT strategies. This work will be used as the basis for decision making regarding inclusion in the national health care portfolio. | |
Spain | OSTEBA | 2018 | The OTCA03 assessment was disseminated to the Manager of the Prenatal Screening Programme within the Basque Health Service, to gynaecologists and to other decision makers. | |
UK | NICE | 2018 | LINK | EUnetHTA reports are indexed in NHS evidence a database managed by NICE that supports evidence informed decision making in the NHS