C-reactive protein point-of-care testing (CRP POCT) to guide antibiotic prescribing in primary care settings for acute respiratory tract infections (RTIs)
C-reactive protein point-of-care testing (CRP POCT) to guide antibiotic prescribing in primary care settings for acute respiratory tract infections (RTIs)
Country | Agency | Year work was carried out | Link | Details of use |
Austria | LBI-HTA | 2019 | – | National adaptation. Made no changes. Added summary in German. |
Austria | GOEG | 2019 | – | Dissemination. Forwarded the report to the responsible persons in MoH. |
Austria | HVB | 2019 | LINK | National adaptation. |
Croatia | AAZ | 2019 | – | Dissemination – in process of preparing the Summary and assessment elements B0001 and A0020 in Croatian (will be published on the AAZ website along with links to the full EUnetHTA assessment). |
Ireland | HIQA | 2019 | – | National HTA due to publish May 2019. HTA included economic evaluation and other domains (organisational etc). REA used with minor adaptation – local epidemiological data added and evidence search updated. |
Norway | NIPHNO | 2019 | – | Dissemination – Informed the team who is doing HTA on public health interventions. |
Slovakia | UNIBA | 2019 | – | National adaptation. Added local information. Updated evidence. |
Spain | AETSA | Ongoing | – | National adaptation. Added local information.
Spain | SCS | Ongoing | – | Dissemination – Seminars and courses. |
Sweden | SBU | 2019 | – | Dissemination. |
United Kingdom (England) | NICE | 2019 | LINK | Dissemination – The assessments are included in NHS evidence as a source for local decision making. |
United Kingdom (Scotland) | SHTG | 2019 | – | Used a cross-check to own national assessment. National had a more limited scope. |
United Kingdom (Wales) | HTW | 2019 | – | National Adaptation. Made no changes. |