Added value of using gene expression signature test Mammaprint for adjuvant chemotherapy decision-making in early breast cancer
Added value of using gene expression signature test Mammaprint for adjuvant chemotherapy decision-making in early breast cancer
Country | Agency | Year work was carried out | Link | Details of use |
Austria | LBI-HTA | | Dissemination to decision makers. | |
Austria | GOEG | 2018 | National adaptation. Made no changes to the EUnetHTA report, added a German summary. | |
Belgium | KCE | 2018 |®-test-for-personalised-management-of-adjuvant-chemotherapy-decisions-in-early-breast | National adaptation. Added local information. |
Croatia | AAZ | Ongoing | Dissemination – prepared the Summary and assessment elements B0001 and A0020 in Croatian (will be published on the AAZ website along with links to the full EUnetHTA assessment). | |
France | HAS | 2019 | | National adaptation. Added local information. |
Italy | ASSR RER | Ongoing | Dissemination of the EUnetHTA report will be carried out through our website: news of publication and link; summary and results provided. | |
Italy | AGENAS | 2018 | National adaptation. Added local information. | |
Netherlands | ZIN | Ongoing | National adaptation. Added local information. | |
Norway | NIPHNO | Ongoing | National adaptation. | |
Slovakia | UNIBA | 2018 | National adaptation. Added local information. | |
Spain | OSTEBA | 2018 | The OTCA04 assessment was disseminated among the coordinators of the Breast Cancer Screening Program, among gynaecologists and among relevant decision makers. | |
Spain | AQUAS | Ongoing | The OTCA04 assessment will be disseminated to Catalan regional decision makers (physicians societies, director of corresponding plan, and Health Services Planners). | |
UK | NICE | 2018 | | This was originally assessed in DG10 It is currently being updated as part of guidance on a broader topic area. The HTA to inform the update was published before the EUnetHTA assessment was available. EUnetHTA reports are indexed in NHS evidence a database managed by NICE that supports evidence. |